July 18 Planning Board meeting (Preliminary Approval)
On July 18, 2006 the Ithaca Town Planning Board granted Briarwood II preliminary approval.
Here is the resolution that was passed by the board:
PB RESOLUTION NO. 2006-071: Preliminary Subdivision Approval, Briarwood II 50-lot Subdivision, Extensions to Sanctuary Dr., Birchwood Drive N., and Birchwood Dr., Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 70-10-3.5 and 73-1-8.22
MOTION made by Board Member Thayer, seconded by Board Member Talty.
1. This action involves consideration of Preliminary Subdivision Approval for the proposed 50-lot subdivision located along new extensions to Sanctuary Drive, Birchwood Drive North, and Birchwood Drive, and along a new spur road north of Sanctuary Drive (to be identified as Lucente Way), Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No.’s 70-10-3.5 and 73-1-8.22, Medium Density Residential Zone. The proposal includes subdividing the +/- 47.5 acres into 47 residential parcels (averaging .4 acres in size) with two parcels totaling approximately 25 acres to be donated to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, and one small parcel to be added to Salem Drive Park. The proposal involves connecting Sanctuary Drive with Birchwood Drive North, connecting Birchwood Drive with Sapsucker Woods Road, extending Briarwood Drive North to the east, and creating a spur to the north off Sanctuary Drive. The project also includes the development of stormwater management facilities and walkways. The project is anticipated to be completed over a 10-year period and result in a development mix of one and two-family dwellings. Rocco Lucente, Owner/Applicant; Lawrence P. Fabbroni, P.E., L.S., Agent, and
2. This is a Type I Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board, acting as lead agency in environmental review with respect to the above referenced proposal, on June 20, 2006, made a negative determination of environmental significance, after having reviewed and accepted as adequate a Full Environmental Assessment Form Part I, submitted by the applicant, and a Part II prepared by Town Planning staff, and
3. The Planning Board, at a Public Hearing held on July 18, 2006, has reviewed and accepted as adequate, plans entitled “Master Plan” dated 1/12/03 with most recent revision 1/21/06, and three sheets entitled “Subdivision Plat” one dated 1/21/06 and revised 5/11/06, one dated 1/21/06, and one dated 10/28/02 and revised 01-21-06, and a drawing entitled “Typical Town of Ithaca Highway Crosssections” dated 1/16/06, four sheets entitled “Water & Sewer Plan & Profiles” dated 5/11/06, 11/10/02, and two dated 1/16/06, and four sheets entitled “Highway Plan & Profile”, dated 1/16/06, 10/28/02, and two dated 5/11/06 and “Standard Water Details dated 4/11/06 and revised 1/10/03, and “Standard Sanitary Sewer Details”, dated 9/10/02, “Drainage, Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan”, dated 7/17/2006, all prepared by Lawrence P. Fabbroni, P.E., L.S., and other application material,
1. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby waives certain requirements for Preliminary Subdivision Approval, as shown on the Preliminary Subdivision Checklists, having determined from the materials presented that such waiver will result in neither a significant alteration of the purpose of subdivision control nor the policies enunciated or implied by the Town Board, and
2. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby grants Preliminary Subdivision Approval for the proposed 50-lot subdivision located along extensions to Sanctuary Drive, Birchwood Drive North, and Birchwood Drive, and along Lucente Way, as shown on the plans entitled “Master Plan” dated 1/12/03 with most recent revision 1/21/06, and three sheets entitled “Subdivision Plat” one dated 1/21/06 and revised 5/11/06, one dated 1/21/06, and one dated 10/28/02 and revised 01-21-06, and a drawing entitled “Typical Town of Ithaca Highway Crosssections” dated 1/16/06, four sheets entitled “Water & Sewer Plan & Profiles” dated 5/11/06, 11/10/02, and two dated 1/16/06, and four sheets entitled “Highway Plan & Profile”, dated 1/16/06, 10/28/02, and two dated 5/11/06 and “Standard Water Details dated 4/11/06 and revised 1/10/03, and “Standard Sanitary Sewer Details”, dated 9/10/02, “Drainage, Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan”, dated 7/17/2006, all prepared by Lawrence P. Fabbroni, P.E., L.S., subject to the following conditions to be met prior to Final Subdivision Approval, for review and approval of the Planning Board, unless specifically noted otherwise:
a. Submission of evidence of the necessary approval by the Tompkins County Health Department on the final plat, prior to signing of the subdivision plat by the Planning Board Chair, and
b. Submission of an approximate phasing plan for the development outlining the sequence and timing of the proposed residences, roads, and stormwater facilities, and
c. Receipt of approval by the Town Board for the Town to accept the location and concept of conveyance of the extensions of Sanctuary Drive, Birchwood Drive North (to be renamed Beechwood Drive), Birchwood Drive, the new Lucente Way spur road, the parcel addition to Salem Drive Park, and other public infrastructure including sewer and water mains, and (possibly) walkways, and
d. Prior to issuance of building permits, the conveyance of the above-referenced park addition to the Town of Ithaca in a form acceptable to the Attorney for the Town, and
e. Prior to issuance of building permits for dwellings along one of the above referenced road connections or extensions, the completion of and conveyance of such road extension or connection to the Town of Ithaca in a form acceptable to the Attorney for the Town and subject to the approval of the Director of Engineering and Town Highway Superintendent, which conveyance shall include, if determined to be necessary, appropriate performance guarantees in lieu of completion of said road connections or extensions acceptable to the Director of Engineering, Town Highway Superintendent, and Attorney for the Town, and
f. Submission of a revised subdivision plat showing the following:
i. the acreage and location of land in each parcel to be donated to Cornell University Lab of Ornithology, and the acreage and location of land in the addition to Salem Drive Park, and
ii. the locations and dimensions of easements providing the Town of Ithaca (and Cornell University, if it holds responsibility for maintenance) access to all stormwater facilities, including forebays, ditches, berms, and the like, and
iii. the locations and dimensions of sewer and water easements to the Town of Ithaca for Town access to Lots 60, 61, 63, and 73, and
iv. location, delineation, appearance, and profile of all crosswalks and traffic stops, acceptable to the Town Highway Superintendent and Director of Planning, and
v. the correct map revision date on each drawing, and
vi. location of the areas subject to deed restrictions or restrictions imposed through other mechanisms on Lots 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 51, 52 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 67, 70, 71, 72 , as described in subparagraphs n and o below, and
vii. elimination of the proposed traffic island on Sanctuary Drive, and
viii. revised locations and dimensions of all walkways, sidewalks, and other pedestrian facilities acceptable to the Town Highway Superintendent, and
ix. revised locations and dimensions of all stormwater facilities, and
x. revised dimensions, appearance, and profile of all roads to accomplish traffic calming acceptable to the Town Highway Superintendent.
g. Submission of engineering details, acceptable to the Director of Engineering, for all stormwater facilities, including forebays, ditches, and berms, and
h. Submission of planting plan details, acceptable to the Director of Engineering, showing vegetated benches and wetland plantings for all stormwater facilities, and showing type and size of trees to be planted on each residential lot with a minimum of 1 tree planted per lot, and
i. Submission of an Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan, acceptable to the Director of Engineering, and
j. Submission of written documentation from Cornell University that it agrees to accept ownership of lands proposed to be donated to it as shown on the subdivision plat, and ownership of stormwater facilities, and be responsible for stormwater facility maintenance and repair, and
k. Submission of a draft easement, acceptable to the Attorney for the Town, providing access to the Town of Ithaca (and to Cornell University, if it holds responsibility for maintenance) to all storm water management facilities, prior to signing of the subdivision plat by the Planning Board Chair, and
l. Submission of a draft easement, acceptable to the Director of Engineering and Attorney for the Town, to provide the Town of Ithaca access to the Town’s sewer lines on Lots 61, 63, and 73, prior to signing of the subdivision plat by the Planning Board Chair, and
m. Submission of a draft easement and maintenance agreement between Lots 60 and 61 for shared private water line access, use, and repair, acceptable to the Attorney for the Town, prior to signing of the subdivision plat by the Planning Board Chair, and
n. Submission of a deed restriction or other binding document, acceptable to the Attorney for the Town, to prohibit development or disturbance of the wetland portion of Lot 53, prior to signing of the subdivision plat by the Planning Board Chair, and
o. Submission of a deed restriction or other binding document, acceptable to the Attorney for the Town, preserving a vegetated buffer with a depth of at least 25 feet of trees, along the back of the following lots: 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 51, 52 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 67, 70, 71, 72, with all trees within the buffer having a diameter of 4 inches or greater measured at diameter breast height, being preserved, prior to signing of the subdivision plat by the Planning Board Chair, and
p. Submission of a stormwater “Operation, Maintenance, and Reporting Agreement” between the property owner and the Town of Ithaca, satisfactory to the Director of Engineering and Attorney for the Town, prior to signing of the subdivision plat by the Planning Board Chair, which agreement shall include an inspection and maintenance plan for the stormwater facilities to include management of wetland plantings to insure continued plant viability and continued plant functioning, and
q. Submission of record of application for and proof of receipt of all necessary permits from county, state, and/or federal agencies, including but not limited to the Notice of Intent and Pollution Prevention Plan for NYSDEC, prior to signing of the subdivision plat by the Planning Board Chair, and
r. Prior to final subdivision plan approval, submission of notification to the Army Corps of Engineers of the stormwater detention in the wetlands, and receipt of a letter from the Army Corps of Engineers stating the Corps does not have jurisdiction over this project, and
s. No buildings or structures shall be located on the delineated wetlands without Planning Board approval, and
t. Submission for signing by the Planning Board Chair of an original or mylar copy of the final plat and three dark-lined prints, prior to filing with the Tompkins County Clerk's Office, and submission to the Town of Ithaca Planning Department of a filing receipt from the Tompkins County Clerk’s Office showing proof of filing of the final plat, prior to the issuance of building permits, and
u. Consolidation of the small parcel of land with the Town-owned Salem Drive Park parcel within six months of filing of the subdivision plat, and
v. Prior to the issuance of building permits, submission to the Town of Ithaca Planning Department of filing receipts from the Tompkins County Clerk’s Office showing proof of filing of the easements and the restrictions prohibiting development and preserving buffers as described above.
The vote on the motion resulted as follows:
AYES: Wilcox, Hoffmann, Mitrano, Thayer, Howe, Talty.
NAYS: None.
ABSTAIN: Conneman
The vote on the motion was carried.
PB RESOLUTION NO. 2006-072: Cancellation of August 1, 2006 Planning Board Meeting
MOTION made by Chairperson Wilcox, seconded by Board Member Mitrano.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby cancels the August 1, 2006 meeting and directs the Director of Planning to notify the press of the meeting cancellation.
The vote on the motion resulted as follows:
AYES: Wilcox, Hoffmann, Conneman, Mitrano, Thayer, Howe, Talty.
NAYS: None.
The motion was declared to be carried.
Here is the resolution that was passed by the board:
PB RESOLUTION NO. 2006-071: Preliminary Subdivision Approval, Briarwood II 50-lot Subdivision, Extensions to Sanctuary Dr., Birchwood Drive N., and Birchwood Dr., Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 70-10-3.5 and 73-1-8.22
MOTION made by Board Member Thayer, seconded by Board Member Talty.
1. This action involves consideration of Preliminary Subdivision Approval for the proposed 50-lot subdivision located along new extensions to Sanctuary Drive, Birchwood Drive North, and Birchwood Drive, and along a new spur road north of Sanctuary Drive (to be identified as Lucente Way), Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No.’s 70-10-3.5 and 73-1-8.22, Medium Density Residential Zone. The proposal includes subdividing the +/- 47.5 acres into 47 residential parcels (averaging .4 acres in size) with two parcels totaling approximately 25 acres to be donated to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, and one small parcel to be added to Salem Drive Park. The proposal involves connecting Sanctuary Drive with Birchwood Drive North, connecting Birchwood Drive with Sapsucker Woods Road, extending Briarwood Drive North to the east, and creating a spur to the north off Sanctuary Drive. The project also includes the development of stormwater management facilities and walkways. The project is anticipated to be completed over a 10-year period and result in a development mix of one and two-family dwellings. Rocco Lucente, Owner/Applicant; Lawrence P. Fabbroni, P.E., L.S., Agent, and
2. This is a Type I Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board, acting as lead agency in environmental review with respect to the above referenced proposal, on June 20, 2006, made a negative determination of environmental significance, after having reviewed and accepted as adequate a Full Environmental Assessment Form Part I, submitted by the applicant, and a Part II prepared by Town Planning staff, and
3. The Planning Board, at a Public Hearing held on July 18, 2006, has reviewed and accepted as adequate, plans entitled “Master Plan” dated 1/12/03 with most recent revision 1/21/06, and three sheets entitled “Subdivision Plat” one dated 1/21/06 and revised 5/11/06, one dated 1/21/06, and one dated 10/28/02 and revised 01-21-06, and a drawing entitled “Typical Town of Ithaca Highway Crosssections” dated 1/16/06, four sheets entitled “Water & Sewer Plan & Profiles” dated 5/11/06, 11/10/02, and two dated 1/16/06, and four sheets entitled “Highway Plan & Profile”, dated 1/16/06, 10/28/02, and two dated 5/11/06 and “Standard Water Details dated 4/11/06 and revised 1/10/03, and “Standard Sanitary Sewer Details”, dated 9/10/02, “Drainage, Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan”, dated 7/17/2006, all prepared by Lawrence P. Fabbroni, P.E., L.S., and other application material,
1. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby waives certain requirements for Preliminary Subdivision Approval, as shown on the Preliminary Subdivision Checklists, having determined from the materials presented that such waiver will result in neither a significant alteration of the purpose of subdivision control nor the policies enunciated or implied by the Town Board, and
2. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby grants Preliminary Subdivision Approval for the proposed 50-lot subdivision located along extensions to Sanctuary Drive, Birchwood Drive North, and Birchwood Drive, and along Lucente Way, as shown on the plans entitled “Master Plan” dated 1/12/03 with most recent revision 1/21/06, and three sheets entitled “Subdivision Plat” one dated 1/21/06 and revised 5/11/06, one dated 1/21/06, and one dated 10/28/02 and revised 01-21-06, and a drawing entitled “Typical Town of Ithaca Highway Crosssections” dated 1/16/06, four sheets entitled “Water & Sewer Plan & Profiles” dated 5/11/06, 11/10/02, and two dated 1/16/06, and four sheets entitled “Highway Plan & Profile”, dated 1/16/06, 10/28/02, and two dated 5/11/06 and “Standard Water Details dated 4/11/06 and revised 1/10/03, and “Standard Sanitary Sewer Details”, dated 9/10/02, “Drainage, Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan”, dated 7/17/2006, all prepared by Lawrence P. Fabbroni, P.E., L.S., subject to the following conditions to be met prior to Final Subdivision Approval, for review and approval of the Planning Board, unless specifically noted otherwise:
a. Submission of evidence of the necessary approval by the Tompkins County Health Department on the final plat, prior to signing of the subdivision plat by the Planning Board Chair, and
b. Submission of an approximate phasing plan for the development outlining the sequence and timing of the proposed residences, roads, and stormwater facilities, and
c. Receipt of approval by the Town Board for the Town to accept the location and concept of conveyance of the extensions of Sanctuary Drive, Birchwood Drive North (to be renamed Beechwood Drive), Birchwood Drive, the new Lucente Way spur road, the parcel addition to Salem Drive Park, and other public infrastructure including sewer and water mains, and (possibly) walkways, and
d. Prior to issuance of building permits, the conveyance of the above-referenced park addition to the Town of Ithaca in a form acceptable to the Attorney for the Town, and
e. Prior to issuance of building permits for dwellings along one of the above referenced road connections or extensions, the completion of and conveyance of such road extension or connection to the Town of Ithaca in a form acceptable to the Attorney for the Town and subject to the approval of the Director of Engineering and Town Highway Superintendent, which conveyance shall include, if determined to be necessary, appropriate performance guarantees in lieu of completion of said road connections or extensions acceptable to the Director of Engineering, Town Highway Superintendent, and Attorney for the Town, and
f. Submission of a revised subdivision plat showing the following:
i. the acreage and location of land in each parcel to be donated to Cornell University Lab of Ornithology, and the acreage and location of land in the addition to Salem Drive Park, and
ii. the locations and dimensions of easements providing the Town of Ithaca (and Cornell University, if it holds responsibility for maintenance) access to all stormwater facilities, including forebays, ditches, berms, and the like, and
iii. the locations and dimensions of sewer and water easements to the Town of Ithaca for Town access to Lots 60, 61, 63, and 73, and
iv. location, delineation, appearance, and profile of all crosswalks and traffic stops, acceptable to the Town Highway Superintendent and Director of Planning, and
v. the correct map revision date on each drawing, and
vi. location of the areas subject to deed restrictions or restrictions imposed through other mechanisms on Lots 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 51, 52 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 67, 70, 71, 72 , as described in subparagraphs n and o below, and
vii. elimination of the proposed traffic island on Sanctuary Drive, and
viii. revised locations and dimensions of all walkways, sidewalks, and other pedestrian facilities acceptable to the Town Highway Superintendent, and
ix. revised locations and dimensions of all stormwater facilities, and
x. revised dimensions, appearance, and profile of all roads to accomplish traffic calming acceptable to the Town Highway Superintendent.
g. Submission of engineering details, acceptable to the Director of Engineering, for all stormwater facilities, including forebays, ditches, and berms, and
h. Submission of planting plan details, acceptable to the Director of Engineering, showing vegetated benches and wetland plantings for all stormwater facilities, and showing type and size of trees to be planted on each residential lot with a minimum of 1 tree planted per lot, and
i. Submission of an Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan, acceptable to the Director of Engineering, and
j. Submission of written documentation from Cornell University that it agrees to accept ownership of lands proposed to be donated to it as shown on the subdivision plat, and ownership of stormwater facilities, and be responsible for stormwater facility maintenance and repair, and
k. Submission of a draft easement, acceptable to the Attorney for the Town, providing access to the Town of Ithaca (and to Cornell University, if it holds responsibility for maintenance) to all storm water management facilities, prior to signing of the subdivision plat by the Planning Board Chair, and
l. Submission of a draft easement, acceptable to the Director of Engineering and Attorney for the Town, to provide the Town of Ithaca access to the Town’s sewer lines on Lots 61, 63, and 73, prior to signing of the subdivision plat by the Planning Board Chair, and
m. Submission of a draft easement and maintenance agreement between Lots 60 and 61 for shared private water line access, use, and repair, acceptable to the Attorney for the Town, prior to signing of the subdivision plat by the Planning Board Chair, and
n. Submission of a deed restriction or other binding document, acceptable to the Attorney for the Town, to prohibit development or disturbance of the wetland portion of Lot 53, prior to signing of the subdivision plat by the Planning Board Chair, and
o. Submission of a deed restriction or other binding document, acceptable to the Attorney for the Town, preserving a vegetated buffer with a depth of at least 25 feet of trees, along the back of the following lots: 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 51, 52 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 67, 70, 71, 72, with all trees within the buffer having a diameter of 4 inches or greater measured at diameter breast height, being preserved, prior to signing of the subdivision plat by the Planning Board Chair, and
p. Submission of a stormwater “Operation, Maintenance, and Reporting Agreement” between the property owner and the Town of Ithaca, satisfactory to the Director of Engineering and Attorney for the Town, prior to signing of the subdivision plat by the Planning Board Chair, which agreement shall include an inspection and maintenance plan for the stormwater facilities to include management of wetland plantings to insure continued plant viability and continued plant functioning, and
q. Submission of record of application for and proof of receipt of all necessary permits from county, state, and/or federal agencies, including but not limited to the Notice of Intent and Pollution Prevention Plan for NYSDEC, prior to signing of the subdivision plat by the Planning Board Chair, and
r. Prior to final subdivision plan approval, submission of notification to the Army Corps of Engineers of the stormwater detention in the wetlands, and receipt of a letter from the Army Corps of Engineers stating the Corps does not have jurisdiction over this project, and
s. No buildings or structures shall be located on the delineated wetlands without Planning Board approval, and
t. Submission for signing by the Planning Board Chair of an original or mylar copy of the final plat and three dark-lined prints, prior to filing with the Tompkins County Clerk's Office, and submission to the Town of Ithaca Planning Department of a filing receipt from the Tompkins County Clerk’s Office showing proof of filing of the final plat, prior to the issuance of building permits, and
u. Consolidation of the small parcel of land with the Town-owned Salem Drive Park parcel within six months of filing of the subdivision plat, and
v. Prior to the issuance of building permits, submission to the Town of Ithaca Planning Department of filing receipts from the Tompkins County Clerk’s Office showing proof of filing of the easements and the restrictions prohibiting development and preserving buffers as described above.
The vote on the motion resulted as follows:
AYES: Wilcox, Hoffmann, Mitrano, Thayer, Howe, Talty.
NAYS: None.
ABSTAIN: Conneman
The vote on the motion was carried.
PB RESOLUTION NO. 2006-072: Cancellation of August 1, 2006 Planning Board Meeting
MOTION made by Chairperson Wilcox, seconded by Board Member Mitrano.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby cancels the August 1, 2006 meeting and directs the Director of Planning to notify the press of the meeting cancellation.
The vote on the motion resulted as follows:
AYES: Wilcox, Hoffmann, Conneman, Mitrano, Thayer, Howe, Talty.
NAYS: None.
The motion was declared to be carried.